
Welcome to the Living Compassion website.
My intention is for this website to be a resource for people to discover and share ways to connect with ourselves and each other more compassionately. You are invited to explore the books, stories, articles, and resources already listed to see what speaks to you. You are also invited to share your favorite books and personal experiences to be included on this website.
My personal passion is in supporting individuals, couples, and organizations in moving through defensiveness to making life and relationship choices that are more in harmony with their values. My experience is that in bringing awareness to our tangled, conditioned, habitual thinking and speaking, we can become more clear in our thinking, and more effective in our communication and relationships.
Here is a radio interview with KVMR in Nevada City of how I approach this work.
A participant in one of my classes recently said “I came here thinking I would learn more about how to communicate with others, but what I really learned was how to connect more clearly to my own feelings and needs.” I believe living compassionately begins with clearly and compassionately connecting with ourselves, and that conscious languaging is a practical discipline for connecting with ourselves, relating to others, and living with and from compassion.
Many blessings,
Terri Harmon